Contact Details

  • Email

  • Address

    Chadstone Tower 1, Level 8, Suite 8222, 1341 Dandenong Rd, Chadstone VIC 3148

    Santos Place, Level 27, Suite 10, 32 Turbot Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

  • Phone

    1300 395 850

Samuel David


  • LIV Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer
  • B. Biomed Sci., L.L.B (Hons) (Monash)

Get in Touch

We monitor our phones, emails and online enquiries regularly. Whilst our lawyers may be meeting with other clients, or at Court, we will do our VERY BEST to reply within 24 hours, if not sooner. If we are not available immediately, please leave your message with Reception and our lawyers will reply at their earliest convenience.

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